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  • 부드럽고 촉감이 우수한 100% 코튼 소재로 제작
  • HALF TURTLENECK 디자인과 오버핏 실루엣
  • 가슴 중앙 [SEOKWOON YOON] 시그니처 FLOWER 패턴 문양 프린팅 디자인
  • 뒷면 중앙 [SEOKWOON YOON] 로고 자수와 뒷면 상단 스티치 디테일


  • 100% COTTON




S : 68cm/71.5cm/71.5cm/33.5cm/63cm

M : 71cm/73.5cm/73.5cm/35cm/66cm

L : 74cm/76.5cm/76.5cm/37cm/68.5cm


Color: BLACK


Cotton 100%


Made in South Korea.

Flower Black Embroidered T-shirt

    • 상품 배송/교환/환불 안내

      • 교환/환불 신청은 상품 수령후 7일이내에 가능합니다.
      • 단순 변심으로 인한 교환/환불시에는 왕복배송비 8,000원이 추가로 발생됩니다.
      • 상품 택(tag)제거 또는 개봉으로 상품 가치 훼손 시에는 상품수령후 7일 이내라도 교환 및 반품이 불가능합니다.
      • 제품이 표시내용과 다르거나, 제품의 불량 및 하자등으로 계약내용이 다르게 이행된경우, 상품 수령일로부터 14일 이내 가능합니다.
      • 제품 자체에 하자가 있는 경우는 고객센터 으로 접수하시면 당사 품질관리부 검수 후 소비자 분쟁해결 기준에 의거하여 교환/환불/수리 해드립니다.

      교환/반품/환불 불가 상세안내

      • 제품 박스에 부착되어있는 봉인라벨 훼손 시 교환 및 반품이 불가합니다.
      • 제품 구매 후 해외에서 사용한 경우, 제품 하자 및 이상이 생기더라도 반품 및 환불을 받으실수 없습니다.
      • 제품을 교환/반품하시기전 고객센터나 홈페이지에 미리 연락 및 접수를 해주셔야합니다.
      • 고객님의 사용 또는 일부 소비로 인해 제품의 가치가 감소되거나 훼손된경우.
      • 고객님에게 책임 있는 사유로 제품이 훼손된경우
      • 7일이상의 시간 경과 및 보유 환경에 따른 재판매가 어려운경우.
      • 받으신 제품의 구성품이 누락된경우 (소모품, 액세서리, 사은품 등 포함)

    •All international orders are shipped as DDU(Delivery Duty Unpaid) shipment, which means all taxes and import duties are not included in the final price.

    •All shipments are shipped via FedEx Express, but there could be unexpected delays caused by natural disasters, disasters etc. or incorrect shipping addresses fulfilled. 


    •Once your request for a return has been accepted by our CS team, SEOKWOON YOON  will issue the return label and invoice to customers via email.

    •After we issue the return label, the customer will receive a confirmation email with all the details you need to complete the return.


    •Customers should request the return via email( within 3 days of its delivery date.You are required to attach photos of the received product(s) with the item code, the order number, and the reason for return. And then, we will have a check and assist you by email. The product(s) must be in their original conditions in which they were received including all tags and any packing. Also, you need to let us know a note of your name, and user ID if you have one. 

     -Please remind that returns are only acceptable if you follow these instructions above and also when your return requested has been approved by our staff. Returns that are shipped to us without any prior notification and consent are not acceptable.

    -Shipping fee for any return is borne by customers. 

    •We do not accept return if it is in the following cases;

    -If you want to return the items just because you changed your mind (size, color and so on.), and the products are damaged because of your mistake or mishandling.

    -Your return request is not approved by our staff.

    •Exchange is not available for international orders.

    •The product that customers request for the return must be shipped back to SEOKWON YOON  within 14 days otherwise it could be canceled.

    •Ordered items must comply with SEOKWOON YOON returns & refunds policy.

    •SEOKWOON YOON is not responsible for lost or damaged products during shipment caused by insufficient packing, and SEOKWOON YOON cannot proceed with the refund in this case.


    •Refunds can take 3-7 business days, and please make sure that the refund will proceed subtracting the round shipping fee(varies by size and country), customs fees(calculated by local customs office) and PayPal transaction fee(4.4% of total amount of order+0.30 USD).

    •In case customers get a partial return, the refund will be processed by subtracting the one-way shipping fee(30USD), customs fees(calculated by local customs office) and PayPal transaction fee(4.4% of total amount of order+0.30 USD).

OKWOON YOON / 703-56-00178 / 051.704.6029 / 
부산광역시 해운대구 해운대로 785 / 윤석운 / 제 2021-부산해운대-2067 호

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